A Tribute to the Terminally Clueless
Tony Luckwill

King's Hospital School

is there a connection?

it seems there may be...

A number of the Aliases used by Luckwill appear to match those of others who were at the same school he attended between 1985 and 1990.

Luckwill used the name of his peer, 'Barry Potterton' between 7th December 2000 and 3rd August 2001, frequently posting from the same Internet Cafe in Dublin.

Luckwill posted to the Ireland Genealogy Message Board on 1st August 2002 asking about Barry Potterton.

Another ex-pupil, 'Henry Clifton-Brown' has done very well for himself, not only producing 'Crozier Blue', a goats cheese sold (apparently) in stores thoughout the UK, but also becoming the legal representative for Luckwill, as this recent posting to an Autism forum demonstrates:

Henry Clifton-Brown

Dear group.

A number of messages have appeared in other Autism UK 
related groups during recent days that have caused huge 
distress to a person with AS in Wales. The messages contained 
defamatory information that has now been proven to be untrue.

In case any such messages should appear here I urge caution 
in accepting content of same until further notice.

As I am sure you can imagine, for this to be directed at someone 
with AS is not the right thing to happen - the last thing an AS 
sufferer can handle is this kind of abuse.

In case you are wondering, I am the legal representative of the 
person who has been targeted and libelled for no apparant 


Mr Clifton-Brown shares a love of Land Rovers, too.
Unless of course, this is a different Henry Clifton-Brown?
That would be a coincidence...

What an education these pupils must have had!

More to follow.